What is the Ideal age to start Braces treatment?
What is the Ideal age to start Braces treatment?
The best age to do the orthodontic treatment is when you are twelve to thirteen years of age as all the permanent teeth have usually erupted by this stage. The jaws are growing at this age and so it is easier to expand your jaws and reshape your mouth.
However, Dr. Goswami always recommends that it may be worth seeking dental advice for your child’s baby teeth & erupting permanent teeth by our teeth specialist dentist, orthodontist or by Dental Braces specialist Dentist at our braces clinic in east Delhi even earlier. By the age of seven to eight years, enough permanent teeth have come in and enough jaw growth has occurred that the braces dentist or orthodontist can identify current problems, anticipate future problems or alleviate parents’ concerns if all seems normal.
For those patients who have clear indications for early orthodontic intervention, early treatment presents an opportunity :
# To guide the growth of the jaw to proper shape.
# To regulate the width of the upper and lower dental arches.
# To guide incoming permanent teeth into proper new positions.
# To lower risk of accidental damage to protruded or retruded — upper incisors (front teeth).
# To correct harmful oral habits such as thumb sucking – tongue thrusting.
# help to reduce or eliminate abnormal swallowing or speech problems.
# Improve personal appearance and self-esteem.
# To recognize upcoming problems at an early stage and potentially simplify any procedures that may be required in the future.
# Reduces the likelihood for getting impacted permanent teeth (teeth that should have come in, but have not).
# To preserve or gain space for permanent teeth that are coming in the jaw bone.
Please feel Free to ask us any further questions about Dental Braces treatment or for a Free Braces Consultation….
Dr. Goswami – the Delhi Dentist – owner of Specialist Orthodontics & Dental Braces clinic in East Delhi, welcome people to have a detailed consultation for their cross bite, under bite, open bite, scissor bite, over bite, crowding of teeth, spacing of teeth conditions and choose proper treatment options for themselves…
Appointments – The appointment time is flexible and we work all 7 days a week and we will give you your preferred time slot as per your preference.
Please feel Free to ask us any further questions about Dental Braces treatment.
Feel free to ask us for a free consultatio
Dr. Goswami – the Delhi Dentist – owner of Specialist Orthodontist & Dental Braces Dentist clinic in East Delhi, welcome people looking for affordable budget best price low cost cheapest orthodontics, dental braces dentist and dental clinic in Delhi- India, to have a detailed consultation for their cross bite, under bite, open bite, scissor bite, over bite, crowding of teeth, spacing of teeth conditions and choose proper treatment options for themselves…
Same Dentist team — Affordable cost — Same location since last 20 yrs. (est. 2000).
That’s the real beauty of having dental Braces Treatment from Delhi Dental Center.
We offer different Orthodontic and Dental Braces treatments.

View our Patient cases
The appointment time is flexible and we work all 7 days a week and we will give you your preferred time slot as per your preference.
For more information Go to : –
Signs for Early Orthodontic Examination.

Benefits of Early Detection for Orthodontic Treatment.

Procedure for putting up Dental Braces Treatment.

Recovery Expectations after Orthodontic & Braces Treatment.

Different types of Orthodontic Braces treatments are available at our Delhi orthodontic and braces clinic.

Why do you need Orthodontic and Dental Braces Treatment?

Why Dental Braces and Orthodontic treatment at Delhi Dental Center?

In Case of Orthodontic Emergency.